and no doubt, im excited as hell..this dream has been on my mind 25/7 366 days a year..i cant stop thinking about it you know? im excited to see what i become within the next 4 years..and im not trying to be conceited,but i know ill make a damn good doctor..i know i will..i can just feel it..u know..sometimes u get that feeling inside ur stomach about a certain situation? well i have that about me becoming a physician.
i know im gonna be graduating from a different country..but shit..ppl in the states better not make the mistake of underestimating my abilities. ive had some haters before, and ive proved them wrong time and time again. and im willing to do it again to earn my place in the hospital.
and another had to watch a convocation for the new nurses my school pumped out this past year..the ones that passed the boards..and u know..congrats to all of them.. im excited for my fellow classmates. im excited to see them pass the boards..but yeah..anyways, when i saw them u know's like..i couldnt really relate to their joy, while my other classmates could almost identify with the joy the new grads were experiencing. reason being? coz im at that point right now..where medical school is not optional at the point mind has solidified the fact that med school is after yes..i will be graduating this march, but it's not over..this battle is won, but the war is not over. stop here..if you guys find affection or intimacy gross..stop reading...NOW!
along this journey of mine..ive met numerous ppl..some ive hated, others im apathetic to..but one of them..ive learned to love..ive learned to change for the better for this person..and she is my girlfriend..she is from the philippines..and yes we do have some cultural clashes, but we always work on it..
and due to me being fil-am she believes that she'll never be good enough for me..whenever she sees a foreigner or what have you, she starts to feel obsolete...unworthy, not good enough.
but in's the opposite..this woman has taught me to be patient, to not yell, to be kind without expecting something back..her eyes, her lips, her smile, her laugh, her voice (especially) are more than enough for me..she's perfect the way she foreigner or girl from my past will ever get in the way of that.
i plan to bring her home with me after med-school..i plan to get all ugly and old with me crazy, but im in love with in love with jhemari azuro.
and we will work it out..when i go to med will require a lot of patience, but it can be done..and it will be done. it begins.