yes you have your mood swings..your mood swings get so bad that sometimes i just wanna swing a hammer on your face. but kidding aside. despite your mood swings, you make every moment i spend with you..interesting, fun, and memorable. not a day goes by where i havent smiled or laughed because of the things u say or do. you are my equal.
we are both strong-willed. we are both stubborn. we are both prideful. we are both pasaway.
so on this 14th of october, i would like to greet you happy birthday, my pangit baboy. i have never met anyone that has pushed me to become a better person..and to always support me when im feeling down. and i really hope that you continue to support me thru med school and beyond.
and from the bottom of my heart, i would like to say..i love you.
happy birthday.