so here i am..writing/typing on this blog thingy again...uhm so i shall blog about my experience today.
i went to SM to study at starbucks for my upcoming major usual i had my usual partner in crime with me. and there was this girl that ive been talking to whenever im there..actually she works there..i shall name her bucks..haha. so bucks always talks to me..and complements me on my is the 3rd time we chatted, i asked for her number..and she said.............................
NO. yeah..coz she has a bf and all..laaame. it's all good tho..haha. my friend was all like 'dont worry..she aint that pretty anyway' ..hella loud too...and before i left, i was saying bye to the starbucks crew..and i said by to bucks..but she didnt turn around..SO
im she mad at me? mad at me for asking her number?? haha..
typhoon..actually a super typhoon is coming yeah..if i dont blog for a couple of's either one of three reasons..1)the power is out coz of the storm 2)im dead 3) im just fuckin lazy.
haha..most like 1 or 3..i hope..haha.
k..gotta get crackin on inspiration has run dry..
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