a senior now..w/c means only 1 more year left of this nursing stuff..then onto what i really want. medical school. i cant believe how the tables have turned..almost 4 years ago..i was a fck up..i was just going to class coz i had to. now it's going to class coz i want to.
im sooo stoked to get that m.d. behind my name. i dont care about the salary at all more concerned about the knowledge that comes with being a doctor. the more i read about medical school, the more i realize how minuscule the nursing curriculum is compared to a doctors..w/c becomes motivation for me. like, say im having trouble on a nursing topic..when i think about how medical school is and how much harder it is, im more motivated to just push myself, coz it's nothing compared to the latter.
i had my first summer rotation over at AUF med..and i see these nurses that are all tired walking, giving meds, and all that shit..and it just makes me laugh. coz an hour later..i see clerks and residents coming in that have only received 2 hours of sleep..doing their rounds..completing drug presentations..and randomly dozing off while doing those things..
that stuff would normally make a person steer away from that kind of profession..but for me? i want that. i wanna get as tired as them. i wanna lack sleep coz of too much work..i wanna look all haggard coz of it. coz that's what i truly wanna do.
that's why i dont get these kids in nursing..staying up till like 3 am studying one topic.. maybe if they stopped watching tv, playing stupid computer games..and stupid facebook games, they could get a decent 8 hour sleep...the latest ive slept was like 12 am. and that was for a final exam.
you know the avg time a medical student sleeps? 4 am. then gets up around 6-7 am for clinicals.
yeah yeah..this medical school ramble is stupid..and you guys prly think im bashing nursing..when in reality im not. i admire what nurses do. without them, who would listen to our complaints?? ahahaha..but kidding aside, like my ncm teacher said, doctors and nurses have a very particular set of skills w/c make them invaluable to the health care team.
but in the end..the Doctor is the one that calls the shots. the doctor is the captain of the ship.
and as of this day..i have less than a year to start on that journey.
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