so after eating dinner this one time, i was stuffed. i mean, i ate clams, oysters, halo-halo, pot roast, and other crap i can barely remember..all i remember is it was delicious. so anyways, after im done stuffing my chiseled face, i feel my stomach like.."ohh man...not here..i hate crappin in public restrooms." but this one was persisten. it tickled my sphincter like no other..there was no way i could hold it i got up and started walking to the bathroom.
as luck would have it, all the cans were i had to wait. and while im waiting and tightening my sphincter to prevent my hershey squirts from coming out, i see this old dude just sitting on the counter beside the sink. the guy had a scruffy look to him and brown eyes, and sort of looked like a dad..i took all this in, coz i was wondering what he was doing there just sitting on the counter.
after about 1 minute, i hear a voice call from the can. a voice that can only belong to a kid that hasnt hit puberty yet...he's saying, "dad, im done."..and then the old fellow on the counter drops to his feet and...........
so wait..before i tell you what the dad was going to do, im gonna tell you what i thought he was gonna do. i thought the father was going to help him put his belt back up or something coz the kid mightve had one of those belts that needed assistance..or it was either the dad was just gonna tuck in his shirt and make him look presentable back at the dinner table--yes, both choices are similar, but it's my yeah.
back to the story--so after the dad got off the counter he walked over to the stall and opened the stall door..and what i see is this kid sitting on the toilet with his pants nose gets a whiff of this aroma that could kill the wolf from 300..and im like "uhm..hmmm.." before i even blink my eyes, the dad has toilet paper in his hands and is wiping his son's ass and pouring water with a little bucket over the kid's ass..and the kid looks at me..and i dk what to do..coz im kid is almost a teenager and his dad is still wiping his ass like a now, my poop has retreated..and i the urge to drop on in the toilet has dissipated.
not a really cool story, but weird nonetheless.
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