i dk how to begin this, so it's gonna be a sloppy beginning..so yeah..ive balanced it. i get a full 8 hours of sleep a night, i work out 4x a week, get all my studies done, and once in awhile kick it with some friends...all this without getting sick. coz u know, when u get stressed out from school and other shit, your immune system drops..i dont really wanna expand on why coz im already tired typing..haha..so yeah. i havent gotten sick *knock on wood*..i take my multivitamin and stuff and 1gm of vit c at night, so i guess that helps too.
i dk what this entry was tryin to get at..i guess it's just another one of those 'my lip bled' entries..hahahaha..good times.
p.s. tag the box and remind me to paste my to-do list from my xanga..i keep forgetting..coz im not an elephant..coz elephants dont 4get..fun fact.
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