I have never felt so jealous in my life. so i was on clinicals, on my medicine rotation and my pt is pretty complicated...i gotta increase certain IV drips of hers to get her blood pressure back to normal..so yeah..im like checking her blood pressure every 15 min..anyway, the clerk (4th year medical student) comes in the room and asks me, "how's my pateint?" im thinkin.."youre patient? ive been the one handlin this person for the last 4 hours..and i havent even seen ur mug this whole time." anyways, i drop the 411 on him..and he's like.."ok..get his chart and meet me at the doctor's lounge"..so after getting his chart..i go to the lounge..and i see 2 AC machines, 2 couches, 2 electric fans, and all the clerks and residents just chillin..oh by the way..the temperature outside (where im workin) is about 89 degrees with like 80% humidity..it feels like an effin rain forest..haha..
back to what i was saying..i get inside there..and the air is nice and cold...quiet, and just relaxing..i look for the clerk that told me to meet him there..and i give him the chart....NOW, ...what ive noticed here in the philippines, is ppl will greet you whenever u enter a room..or even look at and nod their head.. but when i stepped into that lounge..the clerks, residents, attendings didnt even shoot a glance towards me..and why? im not sure, but maybe coz im only a nurse. but yeah..long story short..the clerk told me decrease the drip rate of certain side drips..and blah and blah..while i was regulating those drips outside in the rain forest, the clerk was just sitting there..enjoying a cool room..and chattin it up with other clerks.
before i continue, i have to give some background info. the nurses on duty at hospitals are intimidating sometimes...like..they have this aura about them..which i think is stupid..myself? i dont get really intimidated..why? coz, shit..theyre just a nurse..and doctors, they dont even act bad ass, or dominating when their in the ward with us, so why should the head nurse?it's like they have some power trip from being the "head nurse." anyways..i shall continue. when i was in the lounge, the "big bad head nurse" came in..and that aura of intimidation just disappeared once she entered the lounge..it was like..she was the big fish out in the rain forest, but when she entered the doctors lounge..she became a little gold fish.
and after i stepped out of that room and saw the nurses in the rain forest..just jotting notes, giving drugs, and what not..i just felt like..my eyes were opened even wider...i just felt obsolete..i just felt like a worker bee..taking orders from ppl..busting my ass for someone who was just chillin in the ACed room..and seeing the nurses just acting all bad ass behind their little station made me pity them...
but i just cant wait to finish my bsn..and go on to med school..i wanna be the one calling the shots...i wanna be the captain of the plane..not the flight attendant..coz i know..i will make a damn good physician.
and finally.
i have deep respect for nurses and what they do. as i have said before..they are part of the health care team, and doctors wouldnt be able to do what they do without the nurses being around. so, once again, dont think im bashing the nursing profession. i like nursing. but let me put into a better perspective. nursing is like the nissan 370z and a doctor is like a porsche 911 turbo...which are you gonna pick?
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