if youve read my past entries..u notice i only write when im completely stressed out or just bothered..but for the past two months..i havent been stressed at all..w/c leads me to my next topic.
i have a new girlfriend..she's from here, the philippines. ive known her since november 2009..and i kinda crushed on her during december, and she crushed on me as well. but didnt wanna pursue it coz the "language barrier". then as you all know when i went back in late dec..i ran into some old ghosts..so in january i was pretty broken..but i was pickin myself back up..and my crush for my gf started to grow again, but i tried to think nothing of it..coz i didnt wanna get involved in another relationship..especially involving one with a clash of cultures.
around february..she gave up on me..coz i wasnt making any moves and she started to have a crush on this one guy. ill call him takla to maintain privacy..so yeah, takla. she started to like takla..and immediately my heart started to race..my chest burned with jealousy..and i knew i had to make a move soon..or i was gonna lose her..in my head..i was like "f*ck this language barrier!". so yeah. i pursued her..i had to step up my "descarte"..haha..that's "game" in tagalog. anyways..yeah..middle of feb..we started hanging out a lot..and all that..then finally on feb 25..we made it official..or so i thought! hahaha..apparently she didnt know that we were official on feb 25th, so i changed the date to feb 26th..hahaha.
ever since then..i havent looked back..there IS NO language barrier..we understand each other perfectly..we can even tell a story by just looking at each others eyes. at first..i thought this relationship was just gonna be like a small thing..like u know..we go out for awhile, then after graduation..it's done..
BUT NO! ..our story will go on..our story will go on after nursing..after medical school...our story will go on until time itself ends.
ive met my match..she has the wits, the charm, the looks, the brains, the smile, the eyes, and more importantly, she has tamed me. this girl..she has so much pride, it almost matches my level..coz, u see? i never really apologize to girls..i dk..even if i know im wrong..i still dont apologize..but this girl..it's like..i wanna apologize..i want to say sorry to her..
i love this girl..and im not ashamed to post it on my blog..or tell the whole world.
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