Sunday, May 9, 2010

it's all part of the plan.

all the mistakes. all the heart breaks. every single event that has happened in my life. lilo incident, the kairos incident, the "only applying to one university" incident coz of a girl, the grad night incident, the break up of 2006, the university of san francisco fall out, the air force incident- all that has led me to the task at graduate nursing school here. in the philippines.

all those stupid mistakes have me brought me this far.  i never really thought when i was in 5th grade that i would be here in the philippines 12 years later..graduating with a BSN, and moving on to medical school.  i somehow try to connect all the events that happened in my life before 'pines.  like, what if i did get into USF nursing program, would i have been motivated to pursue an M.D. afterwards? or..what if the break up of 2006 didnt occur? would i still be working at GNC and just hanging on to a burnt out romance? there are a lot of possibilities..but only one has remained.

these situations have led me to where i am now.  it has led me to pursuing my medical degree after my BSN.
i didnt get into USF because i believe i was destined for some greater purpose..i prly wouldve just settled as a nurse.  the 2006 break up had to occur..for me to turn cold..for me to become stone leave my family behind and pursue this career without missing home too much.

i thought all that has led to just my goals regarding my career.  but it has led me to something more.

it has all led me to her.  i love this girl, guys.  and i want it to work out. i want to bring her home.  i want to go grocery shopping with her. i wanna do all the little things that add up to being a big thing...i really think she's the one.

"uh oh..its getting serious with her now." yes. it's getting serious. i havent been goo goo eyed over a girl since..well u know who..haha. BUT even tho im head over heels for this girl..dont make the mistake of doubting my burning desire for that M.D. degree behind my name.  im old now. i know the mistakes ive made in the past.

i will complete medical school. even if this girl chooses to break my heart or not.  med school will happen.

..with or without her.

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